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Some general minimum technical requirements that you may need for an online cybersecurity course:


  1. Operating System: Windows 10, macOS, or Linux

  2. Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent

  3. Memory: 8 GB RAM or more

  4. Storage: 100 GB of available storage or more

  5. Internet connection: Broadband with at least 5 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload speed

  6. Web browser: Latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge

  7. Software: Office productivity suite (such as Microsoft Office or Google Suite), anti-virus software, and a PDF reader


In addition to these technical requirements, you will also need to have basic computer skills, such as the ability to use a keyboard and mouse, browse the internet, and install software.


Some courses may also require prerequisite knowledge in networking, programming, or cybersecurity concepts.

Basic Technical Requirements

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